Rules & Policy


🛑Warning🛑 Sky Hackathon is only FOR UNDERGRATE AND MASTER STUDENTS

General Rules Team Formation:

All teams must consist of exactly 3 members. (If you don’t have a team, don’t worry! We’ll help you find one during the event) This rule is mandatory to ensure fairness and balance among competing teams. Team members can come from different backgrounds and skill levels.


Each team must register online before the registration deadline. Provide accurate information about all team members during registration.

Project Development:

All projects must be developed during the hackathon. Pre-existing projects or codebases are not allowed. Teams are encouraged to brainstorm ideas before the event, but all coding and development must occur within the hackathon period.

Code of Conduct:

All participants must adhere to the Sky Hackathon Code of Conduct. Respect, integrity, and professionalism are expected at all times. Any form of harassment or misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification.

Intellectual Property:

Teams retain ownership of their projects. However, Sky Hackathon reserves the right to showcase the projects for promotional purposes. Ensure that your project does not violate any intellectual property rights or contain any proprietary information without permission.

Submission Rules Deadline:

All projects must be submitted by the end of the hackathon. Late submissions will not be accepted. Ensure your project is functional and complete before submitting.


Each team will have a designated time to present their project to the judges. Prepare a concise and clear presentation that covers the problem statement, solution, technical implementation, and potential impact.

Judging Criteria:

Projects will be judged based on the following criteria: Creativity and Innovation: How unique and original is the solution? Technical Complexity: What level of technical skill and complexity does the project demonstrate?


What is the potential impact of the project on its target audience or industry? Presentation: How well is the project presented and communicated?

Event Logistics Resources:

Wi-Fi, workspace, and meals will be provided to all participants. Mentors and technical support will be available throughout the event to assist teams.


Maintain a clean and organized workspace. Respect the venue and facilities. Follow all safety and health guidelines provided by the event organizers.

Support: Reach out to the event staff or mentors if you have any questions or need assistance. Utilize the provided resources and networking opportunities to enhance your project.

Disqualification Non-Compliance:

Failure to adhere to the hackathon rules may result in disqualification. Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or rule violation will lead to immediate disqualification.

Code of Conduct Violations:

Any participant found violating the code of conduct will be disqualified and asked to leave the event.

Have Fun! Enjoy the Experience:

Sky Hackathon is not just about competition; it’s about learning, networking, and having fun. Embrace the experience and make the most of it! Collaborate with your teammates, connect with other participants, and enjoy the journey of innovation and creativity.